Neural Vocoder is All You Need for Speech Super-resolution

in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2022, 2022


Haohe Liu, Woosung Choi, Xubo Liu, Qiuqiang Kong, Qiao Tian, DeLiang Wang


Speech super-resolution (SR) is a task to increase speech sampling rate by generating high-frequency components. Existing SR methods are trained in constrained experimental settings, such as a fixed upsampling ratio. These strong constraints can lead to poor generalization ability in mismatched real-world cases. In this paper, we propose a neural vocoder based speech super-resolution method (NVSR) that can handle a variety of input resolution and upsampling ratios, and work well on real-world recordings. NVSR consists of a mel-bandwidth extension module, a neural vocoder module, and post-processing. Our proposed system achieves state-of-the-art results in multiple input and target sampling rate settings. On 44.1 kHz target resolution, NVSR outperforms state-of-the-art models WSRGlow and Nu-wave by 8% and 37% respectively on log-spectral-distance and achieves a significantly better perceptual quality. We demonstrate that prior knowledge in the pre-trained vocoder is crucial by performing mel-bandwidth extension with a simple replication-padding method.

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Evaluation result on VCTK Multi-Speaker testset:

44.1 kHz target sampling rate16 kHz target sampling rate


Our code is open-sourced at This repo includes our pre-trained model and a tool for the evaluation of speech super-resolution algorithm.

Quick demo

For more demo, please visit this site

Comparison with SOTA methods on p363_010.wav

Unprocessed *Nuwave *WSRGlow NVSR (Proposed) Target
Spectrogram fname fname fname fname fname
Spectrogram fname fname fname fname fname
Spectrogram fname fname fname fname fname

The performance of NVSR on different input resolutions on p361_005.wav

2kHz 4kHz 8kHz 16kHz 24kHz
Spectrogram fname fname fname fname fname
Spectrogram fname fname fname fname fname
Spectrogram fname fname fname fname fname

Example of bandwidth mismatch cases on p362_016.wav

We can see that if WSRGlow is trained to perform 24kHz -> 48kHz super-resolution. It will fail on the 4kHz and 8kHz mismatch cases.

Unprocessed *WSRGlow Target
Spectrogram fname fname fname
Spectrogram fname fname fname


      title={Neural Vocoder is All You Need for Speech Super-resolution}, 
      author={Haohe Liu and Woosung Choi and Xubo Liu and Qiuqiang Kong and Qiao Tian and DeLiang Wang},